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Cash drawer cable

Cash drawer cable
Our Regular price: $13.95
Choose a cable
We have 4 different cash drawer cables to choose from. They will connect any MMF or APG cash drawer, sold by Resaleworld,  to your POS printer.

*All Resaleworld cash drawer/printer combos come with a cable free of charge

Here are the following cables we offer.
  • APG cash drawer to a Citizen receipt printer
  • APG cash drawer to an Epson receipt printer
  • APG cash drawer to an Ithaca receipt printer
  • MMF cash drawer to a Citizen receipt printer
  • MMF cash drawer to an Epson receipt printer
  • MMF cash drawer to an Ithaca receipt printer
  • MMF cash drawer to a Star receipt printer
***Please contact Resaleworld for availability of other cables, if your printer is not listed above.
